Why is this important?
The North Sea is a real incubator for green initiatives, new technologies and societal value. Just think about wind farms at sea, seaweed farms, even sport and leisure experiences can be found there. To keep this incubator characteristics, we have to make sure both the innovations at sea as well as the sea itself, remains robust and healthy. We can do that by monitoring the behaviour of the sea after we initiate a new innovation, like a seaweed or wind farm: does the farm have an effect on the sea? By measuring different sea parameters, like turbidity, light and currents, we can compare the conditions over time. That requires a baseline measurement, a reference point to compare the dataset with. That reference point doesn’t exists at the moment. Which is exactly what this project is about: the Data Buoy generates this baseline measurement. The Data Buoy will be equipped with different sensors, including a meteorological station. These measurements can help to prove the effect (or non-effect) of future sea innovations.
What are the objectives?
- Design a Data Buoy that suffices all design criteria for buoys at open sea
- Install and launch Data Buoy at our Offshore Test Site location
- Monitor and capture data series of the Data Buoy parameters
- Generate the reference point within the Proeftuin op de Noordzee area
What do we do in this project?
North Sea Farmers designs and develops the Data Buoy. We work in close collaboration with Proeftuin op de Noordzee to make sure to capture the most relevant sea data for us and other users of the Proeftuin.
What are the results so far?
The Data Buoy is built and installed at sea.
Who else are involved?
Proeftuin op de Noordzee, including Gemeente Den Haag, KPN, TU Delft, TNO, Sailing Innovation Centre, Svašek Hydraulics and the Watersportverbond. The sensors that equip the Data Buoy, are supplied by the European IMPAQT project. Design and development of the buoy occurs in collaboration with Aqitec.
There is a possibility for other users of the Proeftuin to place additional sensors for the measurement of additional parameters.
Finance: 25.000 (construction phase)
Fund: Proeftuin op de Noordzee subsidies the construction of the Data Buoy. The measuring sensors are supplied by the European project IMPAQT.
Partners: 8
Time: 08/2019 – 06/2028
Contact: Zinzi
Website: https://proeftuinopdenoordzee.nl/